
Showing posts from October, 2023

Ramayana ch-2 (part -3)

Welcome dear friends to another episode of Ramayana  In the previous episode we learnt how squirrels got stripes at there back and how Angada won a challenge he gave to Ravana 's ministers when he tried to warn Ravana about Rama 's arrival . He went back to Rama and told him Ravana had not listened to him. So Rama  started a war to get back his wife . Ravana agreed for the war . Ravana first went to Kumbakarna. A  huge demon who got a curse to sleep for 8 years. demons played drums and trumpets to wake him up. Finally he woke up with a loud thud . When he came to know every thing from his brother Ravana he went to the battle field to battle Rama . He was a major destruction to the vanara army. Hanuman tried to battle kumbakarna but  it became a tie (meaning nobody won) . Finally Rama invoked  magical arrows of great power  (or amogh arrows ) and cut of his limbs  from his body which flew to Ravana 's  court . He then cut of Kumbakarna 's head and killed him. Ravana was

Ramayana ch-2 (part-2)

 Welcome dear friends to another episode of Ramayana. In the previous episode, we learnt how hanuman  got his son morkdwaja and how the mighty bridge of Rama Setu began. The bridge was also built with the help of a squirrel .It took small stones and kept it as a support . After it completed it 's work, Rama took three of his fingers and created a stripe on the squirrel 's back as a reward. That is why squirrels have a stripe at their back. The bridge was finnaly completed and Rama , Lakshmana , Hanuman , Sugriva , Angada and rest of the monkey army marched to Lanka . After they moved to Lanka , Rama asked Angada to warn Ravana to give him back his wife . Angada want to Ravana 's palace and asked him to return  Sita back to Rama . But however Ravana refused . He told Angada he can defeat anyone and is not afraid. Angada told "if you think you are so great , I challenge your ministers to lift my foot then think about your greatness". Many ministers tried .  but fail

Story of Hanuman's son Morkdwaj

 When Hanuman washed his tail in a nearby lake , a sweat fell from his body whichwas swallowed by  a fish. However the  waters lead to patala  and later the demon brother of Ravana , Ahiravana cuts that fish and a half monkey and a half-fish boy emerges . Ahiravan raised him and Morkdwaja  became strong and powerful just like his father Hanuman. He grew up to become the gate keeper of Patalaand met his father hanuman when he came to rescue Rama and Lakshmana from Ahiravana

Ramayana ch-2 ( part- 1)

 Welcome dear friends to the next chapter of Ramayana . In the previous ch we learnt how Rama went for  exile , how Dashanan (Ravan) kidnapped Sita and how hanuman tries to save Sita but unluckily trapped by Meghnad  Bramhastra . After being captured , Hanuman was taken to Ravana 's court were Ravana insulted hanuman  burning his tail. But luckily Hanuman became free and flew away  keeping Lanka on fire. He washes his tail in the near by lake. Suddenly a sweat fell from hanuman which went into the lake and was swallowed by a fish. His name was Morkdwaj. Hanuman  continued to move and after that he told Rama that Sita was held captive by Ravana the demon king . Meanwhile in Ravana 's court Vibishana advised Ravana not to deal with Rama and release his wife . Ravana thought Vibishana was thinking  him to be a coward . He angrily threw him out of Lanka and that is were Vibishana decided to join Rama and advised him to pray to the sea god. Rama worshipped  the water god for a very

Dennis good luck coin

  One of his friends said “wish for something and you will get it.   I learnt that from story books”.   Dennis wished “     I wanted a cute teddy bear with a cute ribbon”. As soon as he said those words a lady came passing through them and “   said boy do you wanted this cute teddy bear I don’t need it a more here this is for free   “. Dennis could not believe that his wish was came true. After that he used that coin for greedy purposes he wished for    many thing and everything he asked came true.   he wanted more , more and more   . But yet was not satisfied with what he had   .     his    parents were getting worried about his.    one day his   father   sneaked into his son’s room and took the lucky coin he wished that his son should realize his mistake and not be greedy again.  One day when   Dennis   was going to school when of to school   one of his classmates snatched   the lucky   coin and used it for selfish needs. Seeing his classmates using it for selfish needs he realized h