Ramayana ch-2 ( part- 1)

 Welcome dear friends to the next chapter of Ramayana . In the previous ch we learnt how Rama went for  exile , how Dashanan (Ravan) kidnapped Sita and how hanuman tries to save Sita but unluckily trapped by Meghnad  Bramhastra . After being captured , Hanuman was taken to Ravana 's court were Ravana insulted hanuman  burning his tail. But luckily Hanuman became free and flew away  keeping Lanka on fire. He washes his tail in the near by lake. Suddenly a sweat fell from hanuman which went into the lake and was swallowed by a fish. His name was Morkdwaj. Hanuman  continued to move and after that he told Rama that Sita was held captive by Ravana the demon king . Meanwhile in Ravana 's court Vibishana advised Ravana not to deal with Rama and release his wife . Ravana thought Vibishana was thinking  him to be a coward . He angrily threw him out of Lanka and that is were Vibishana decided to join Rama and advised him to pray to the sea god. Rama worshipped  the water god for a very long time . Later seeing the water god was not appearing before him , he got angry and shot an arrow into the ocean were Varuna the god of water bodies appeared before him and apologized for his act. Rama requested Varun dev to hold rocks in his surface when Varun dev readily promised him. Thus the vanara (monkey) army began constructing the mighty bridge called Rama Setu


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