Ramayana ch-2 (part-2)

 Welcome dear friends to another episode of Ramayana. In the previous episode, we learnt how hanuman  got his son morkdwaja and how the mighty bridge of Rama Setu began. The bridge was also built with the help of a squirrel .It took small stones and kept it as a support . After it completed it 's work, Rama took three of his fingers and created a stripe on the squirrel 's back as a reward. That is why squirrels have a stripe at their back. The bridge was finnaly completed and Rama , Lakshmana , Hanuman , Sugriva , Angada and rest of the monkey army marched to Lanka . After they moved to Lanka , Rama asked Angada to warn Ravana to give him back his wife . Angada want to Ravana 's palace and asked him to return  Sita back to Rama . But however Ravana refused . He told Angada he can defeat anyone and is not afraid. Angada told "if you think you are so great , I challenge your ministers to lift my foot then think about your greatness". Many ministers tried .  but failed to do the challenge . finally Ravana himself tried to lift his foot but Angada said "No Ravana. I don't want you to do this . Your ministers have failed this challenge . Well think about my warning . Or else , be prepared for war. Jai shree Ram" Saying this Angada  left Ravana 's palace


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