Dennis good luck coin


One of his friends said “wish for something and you will get it.  I learnt that from story books”.  Dennis wished “   I wanted a cute teddy bear with a cute ribbon”. As soon as he said those words a lady came passing through them and “  said boy do you wanted this cute teddy bear I don’t need it a more here this is for free  “. Dennis could not believe that his wish was came true. After that he used that coin for greedy purposes he wished for   many thing and everything he asked came true.  he wanted more , more and more  . But yet was not satisfied with what he had  .   his   parents were getting worried about his.   one day his  father  sneaked into his son’s room and took the lucky coin he wished that his son should realize his mistake and not be greedy again. One day when   Dennis   was going to school when of to school   one of his classmates snatched   the lucky   coin and used it for selfish needs. Seeing his classmates using it for selfish needs he realized how selfish he was   he never helped anybody and was so  greedy  now he was never helped by anybody . He apologized   to his friends for selfish needs   and told he would never be selfish again and studied well to be a good student .He got A’s in all his exams   and got a good compliment from his   teachers  .  one  day he was walking from school  when the boy who stole his lucky coin earlier got ashamed for stealing and returned the coin to him but he gave the coin to his other best friend jim . he got A’s every exam in every year and became what he always wanted to be a rocket launcher He launched two rocket called dennis 1  and dennis 2  which successfuly landed on planet jupiter


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