Good deeds always repay you part 1

 Once there was a little girl named Jasmine . her mother died at jasmine's  age of  12. So her father married a woman with a daughter . but she hated Jasmine . At the age of sixteen she was kicked out of the house and was asked to go get her own job so she went  to go search the tower of the kind fairy and get a job there . She found a map that led there and followed it  . Then she first met a wet talking cloth  asked her for help to make it   dry. She agreed and put the cloth in her bag and told it that she will take it to a drier place to keep it . Then she came across a flower . It was dried . The flower asked  " oh girl , help me  , I  am dry ." Jasmine said  " I will surely help you . " she then took a the talking cloth from her bag and squeezed the cloth and poured  half the water to the flower .  the flower thanked Jasmine  and she continued her journey . By this time she found a little sunny area and kept the cloth there . The cloth thanked the girl and Jasmine continued her journey. She then came to a spot  where a talking oven asked for help . The oven told that he was broken and needed someone to fix it  .  Jasmine then  fixed some parts and fixed the oven . She then continued her journey . She reached the tower of a kind fairy and asked her for a job . She got a job as a cook . She worked there was 12 months  and when it was time for her to leave . The fairy gave  her 12 large diamonds to her as a payment . She then walked home . She then felt hungry  . So she decided to stop by near a food stall . But the oven stopped her and gave her  yummy sandwiches   made from the oven . She thanked the oven  and kept some for her journey and continued her jour . She then  was attracted by a good smell  which was none other than the flower she helped . the flower told thanks to her it has grown really beautiful with a good fragrance  . the flower offered to come with her . So jasmine plucked the flower and went home . when they returned home . the parrot of their house screamed " the mistress has returned home with diamonds and other food items . The old woman became jealous .  jasmine 's father welcomed his daughter back home . but the old lady screamed . "Only this much wait , see how much my daughter will get .



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