Ramayana part -5

 Welcome dear friends to another episode of the Ramayana , in the previous episode we learnt how Rama obeyed Kaikai 's orders to go to the forest and how Lakshmana insisted to come with them . Rama Lakshmana  ,  Sita started their journey around the Dandaka  forest and stayed their. Meanwhile in Ayodhya the sad  king Dasharatha  died . Bharata was furious after hearing about  Rama's departure to the forest , so he went to see mother Kaikai . Kaikai was delighted to see Bharata , but Bharata was angry on Kaikai and yelled at her " Mother how could you say such a thing to Rama ,  he is the rightful king . Father died  now the throne remains empty. I  don't want to be the king "shatrughna  said pulling Mantra " it is because of this evil maid brother" . "forgive me Bharata " Mantra pleaded . Bharata told "leave her Shatrughna now lets go find Rama . Bharata set out to the forest with Shatrughana  and Kausalya , Sumitra and  Kaikai and found him  in the Dandaka  forest   and asked Rama to come back to Ayodhya , but  Rama told he was just doing their father's orders  . Bharata told that their father was dead . Rama  , Lakshmana and Sita were sad but Rama gave them his sandals to take back home . Bharata went back to Ayodhya and  kept the sandals in the throne  till Rama returns  . After sometime they moved to other forests and there they met Jatayu  who was the nephew of Garuda and king Dasharatha's friend  and had saved him from battles . He promised to be in a watch and help Rama guard them . 



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