Ramayana part -9

Welcome dear friends to another episode of Ramayana . In the previous episode we learnt hoe Ravana killed Jatayu and how Rama met him.  While continuing the search for Sita Rama killed a demon named Kabandha . A celestial being emerged out of the body of the demon and said " I am very thankful to you Rama . I will tell you how to seek help for looking for Sita  , Go to the hut of the old lady Sabari , who is is been waiting for the darshan of Mahavishnu . accept the fruits given by her.  after that go the Rishyamukha mountains which you can seek help from monkey chief Sugreeva.. Rama agreed and went to the asram of Sabari where Sabari offered the fruits with great devotion . Pleased with her sevice Rama showed his true vishnu form and blessed a river to be named after her (Sabari river in orrisa) .  later he moved on to the Rashyamukha mountains to meet Sugreeva . there , on seeing a few people approaching, Sugreeva asked Hnuman to check who they were . Hanuman disguised as a brahmin and asked them who he was . Rama replied " I am  Rama and this is my brother Lakshmana " Hanuman assumed his true form and asked him the purpose of their visit .After hearing the incident . Hanuman took Rama to Sugreeva . after hearing the incident , sugreeva replied " I will help you , but on one condition , My brother vali is troubling me . I was forced to live here because vali once recieved a curse from a sage that he would die if he enters these mountains because he killed a demon and the blood of the demon reached the sage" . Rama replied "I will do anything for Sita . So I will help you". As promised , The next day when Sugreeva challenged vali  for  a fight  . That time Rama hid behind a tree and killed vali from behind . When vali got struck  by the arrow he god terribly injured . On seeing Rama appearing out of his hiding place , Vali bowed down before him and summoned for his son Angada and his wife Tara . Rama said " Vali I had to kill you because I needed my help to save my wife Sita from Ravana .  Only if a kill you Sugreeva would help me " . Vali understood and asked him three question which Rama answered really quickly . pLeased with those answers Vali turned to Angada to was arriving at the scene . Vali told "Angada my son , I know you are in greef to see me dieing . But if you really  Are devoted to me I want you to become Rama "s friend and help him search for his wife Sita. Angada agreed to his father "s wishand became Rama "s friend .After that Vali died .


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