
Showing posts from September, 2023


  I ndra once went to differen lokas to ask the most powerful because if he worships him/her he would become king of swarga (heaven ) forever.Some said it was Vishnu (Hari)   and some said it was Shiva(Hara). So Indra asked brahma who is more powerful Vishnu or Shiva. Bramha     wanted them to stop differentiating between Hari and Hara .   So , bramha asked Indra to create a misunderstanding between Hari and Hara. The misunderstanding was Garuda    was asked by Vishnu to kill the snake devotee of Shiva . Shiva had to battle Garuda to save his devotee. But Garuda is a bird devotee of    Vishnu.   So    this eventually led a fight between Hari and Hara. At last when Hari summoned his powerful discuss and shiva opened his third eye . Then brahma interfered and told that Indra was behind this misunderstanding . Shiva who was furious to know Indra was the one summoning Garuda . He cursed Indra that anyone who would enter Swargalok and fight with Indra would be defeated.

Mythical beings part -03

 Welcome dear friends to my fictional episode of Mythical beings. In the previous episode we learnt how the the earth people tried keeping beings away and the strange thing that any astronaut who has gone to one of the four planets  never returned. Once a brave king wished to make harmony with these beings . He tried to satisfy them by giving them nourishing food, his gold  , and even his crown . But he failed. So the earth people when to the wise young good fairy who knew answer to anything. The fairy used her magic and told that these beings were created unknowingly  when a person wanted to make something for his wife and told them that the person made a locket which could defeat these beings with electric shock. So a news  reporter wrote a story saying "anyone who has the magical locket, please help us from the  powerful beings and if they do , they would be rewarded" he said writing on the newspaper . This reached the ears of the mother and daughter who had the magical lo

Mythical beings part 02

 welcome to my fictional episode of mythical creatures my friends . in the previous episode we learnt how the four mythical beings appeared and how a they got their own kingdoms . Although they had their own kingdoms . The four beings still came to earth and caused destruction  to the whole universe . After a few days of bearing this destruction the earth humans decided to plan a special attack on the creatures. The next time when they came to attack the earth the earth humans bought sharp tools and weapons like knives , axes spears ,arrows, nets and fire torches. but these were no match for these beings . The huge serpent used its breath to blow away the fire , the dragons blew fire and burnt their nets and axes , the huge serpent  used his huge tail to scatter the people in different areas . the fire snake burnt the rest of the weapons . Thus they succeeded in causing destruction again.  So the people of earth sent astronauts to go to their planet and investigate what was wrong with

Mythical beings (new story) part -1

Once upon a time  there was a mother , father and   daughter which were living happily together. Once the the mother got a situation in such a way she can't walk or move her hands or legs . This made the father so upset and tried everything to cure her  . Finally he got the idea of magic which was thought by a wise old person when he was young . He created a locket which would protect her and not even the strongest beast would be able to harm her . He created this locket because he got a job and was transferred to Vietnam and he would be back home only after a year .  The locket was very powerful and anybody who touched her for the  reason to harm her  would instantly get shock and be thrown away .  Unknown to the father some magical beings came out while he was preparing the locket and these beings were four creatures . a dragon , a huge serpent , a huge eagle and and a fire snake . The fire snake divided the earth into seven parts .The huge eagle gave the idea of dividing the kin

Ramayana part - 10

 Welcome dear friends to another episode of Ramayana in the previous episode we learnt how Rama saved a being from a curse by slaying a demon , how he blessed a devotee named Sabari and how he helped Sugreeva by killing vali .After that , Sugreeva made plans to start searching for Sita . Hanuman , who became Rama s biggest devotee . Started chanting his name and vowed to somehow find Sita. The vanaras Reminded him of his powers . After remembering his powers , he decided to fly around  the rivers and find Sita . Rama gave his ring to Hanuman and asked him to deliver it to Sita so she could understand That Rama was looking for her . Hanuman takes an enormous form and reaches Lanka . The gatekeeper of Lanka Lankini Hanuman asks her to pass  but she wouldn't go out of the way So Hanuman slaps her which makes her faint later he reached Sita and Hanuman gave the ring of Rama so  she would understand whho he was . Sita was happy to learn that this was Rama 's messenger and gave her r

Ramayana part -9

Welcome dear friends to another episode of Ramayana . In the previous episode we learnt hoe Ravana killed Jatayu and how Rama met him.  While continuing the search for Sita Rama killed a demon named Kabandha . A celestial being emerged out of the body of the demon and said " I am very thankful to you Rama . I will tell you how to seek help for looking for Sita  , Go to the hut of the old lady Sabari , who is is been waiting for the darshan of Mahavishnu . accept the fruits given by her.  after that go the Rishyamukha mountains which you can seek help from monkey chief Sugreeva.. Rama agreed and went to the asram of Sabari where Sabari offered the fruits with great devotion . Pleased with her sevice Rama showed his true vishnu form and blessed a river to be named after her (Sabari river in orrisa) .  later he moved on to the Rashyamukha mountains to meet Sugreeva . there , on seeing a few people approaching, Sugreeva asked Hnuman to check who they were . Hanuman disguised as a brah

Ramayana part -8

 Welcome friends to another episode of Ramayana . In the previous episode we learnt how Ravana tricked Rama and Lakshmana and how he abducted Sita .  The  bird Jatayu who promised to help Rama whenn he needed saw Ravana taking Sita in the vehicle Ravana stole from his half- brother Kubera (lord of wealth) , he flew towards Ravana to save Sita and battled him seeing Ravana was so powerful . He tried to take sita out of the vehicle . Seeing this Ravana played a trick on Jatayu telling he surrendered and asked him the source of power . Jatayu told his powers were trapped in his wings . Instantly Ravana cuts of Jatayu ' wing killing him.  Rama came to know Sita was abducted. he told "Lakshmana , these demons have played a trick on us again" .  Saying this he began to cry . Lakshmana consoled him saying "don 't worry brother , we will find Sita." . While  looking for her they met the wounded Jatayu . Seeing him Rama picked h`im up  and  Jatayu said " forgive

Ramyana part - 7

 welcome dear friends to another episode of the Ramayana in the previous episode we learnt on the insult on the demoness and how to two demons were killed . Ravana who heard on the insult of Shurpanakha and how his two cousins were killed  swore revenge he asked demon Maricha to diguise as a deer and trick Rama . Maricha disguised s a deer and Sita wished to have that deer . Rama went after it and asked Lakshmana to take care of Sita . Later Rama used his  arrows and killed the deer . Demon maricha appeared in his true form and yelled " Sita  ! Lakshmana ! help! . On hearing t his cry Sita muistook the demon to become Rama and asked Lakshmana to go and help Rama . But Lakshmana was aware that this was not Rama and tried to tell her . But Sita would  not listen to him and asked him to go . Lakshmana agreed but first she created a magical line named Lakshmana Rekha . Lakshmana told sita " Sita , no one can pass through this line into the hut ,  But you can pass the line and go