Ramayana part -8

 Welcome friends to another episode of Ramayana . In the previous episode we learnt how Ravana tricked Rama and Lakshmana and how he abducted Sita .  The  bird Jatayu who promised to help Rama whenn he needed saw Ravana taking Sita in the vehicle Ravana stole from his half- brother Kubera (lord of wealth) , he flew towards Ravana to save Sita and battled him seeing Ravana was so powerful . He tried to take sita out of the vehicle . Seeing this Ravana played a trick on Jatayu telling he surrendered and asked him the source of power . Jatayu told his powers were trapped in his wings . Instantly Ravana cuts of Jatayu ' wing killing him.  Rama came to know Sita was abducted. he told "Lakshmana , these demons have played a trick on us again" .  Saying this he began to cry . Lakshmana consoled him saying "don 't worry brother , we will find Sita." . While  looking for her they met the wounded Jatayu . Seeing him Rama picked h`im up  and  Jatayu said " forgive me Rama . I was not able to rescue your wifeSita who was been abducted by Ravana. Rama asked "who is Ravana"? Jatayu told " he is the demon son of Sage Visharava  and Kaikesi". so much wounded  Jtatayu died . Rama was very sad . He hoped Jatayu to reach heaven with his father . Rama and Lakshmana continued searching for sita


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