Ramayana part - 10

 Welcome dear friends to another episode of Ramayana in the previous episode we learnt how Rama saved a being from a curse by slaying a demon , how he blessed a devotee named Sabari and how he helped Sugreeva by killing vali .After that , Sugreeva made plans to start searching for Sita . Hanuman , who became Rama s biggest devotee . Started chanting his name and vowed to somehow find Sita. The vanaras Reminded him of his powers . After remembering his powers , he decided to fly around  the rivers and find Sita . Rama gave his ring to Hanuman and asked him to deliver it to Sita so she could understand That Rama was looking for her . Hanuman takes an enormous form and reaches Lanka . The gatekeeper of Lanka Lankini Hanuman asks her to pass  but she wouldn't go out of the way So Hanuman slaps her which makes her faint later he reached Sita and Hanuman gave the ring of Rama so  she would understand whho he was . Sita was happy to learn that this was Rama 's messenger and gave her ring to Hanuman . A gatekeeper of Ravana 's palace saw Hanuman and complained to Ravana that a monkey was trying to take away Sita  . So , to stop the monkey Ravana sent his son Akshay kumar to go and capture hanuman . But Hanuman overpowered Akshay Kumar and killed him by  throwing a tree on him . Ravan who came to no of this sent his other son  Indrajeet to go and capture hanuman. But hanuman overpowered him as well . Later , to stop him Indrajeet uses bramhastra and ties hanuman up . Hanuman neither destryed the weapon nor he stepped back because he want to prove the importance of the weapon . 

ch-1 is completed . wait for ch-2of Ramayana


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