
Showing posts from March, 2023

Diamonds are immortal

Everyone knows diamonds are very precious stones and they look very beautiful but there is a fact that "nothing can destroy a diamond except heat ! " Yes the only thing that can destroy a diamond is heat when you take a hammer and smash a diamond it only breaks into pieces but heat is something that can b burn it away .  You can still see a diamond  pieces when smashed by a hammer but when it comes to heat  you can 't see the pieces or the diamond. when a diamond is being burnt it gets mixed up with other gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide and comes in contact with air  , although diamonds are almost immortal they can be also called as "a women 's best friend ".

Bhima drowned by Duryodhana (part of Mahabharata)

 The famous king Pandu had five children Dharmaraj  , Bhima , Arjuna , Nakul  , Sahadeva  , were once playing beside the river  Duryodhana applied poison on a special sweet in the kitchen of the palace and once everyone completed eating  Duryodhana gave the sweet to Bhima after some time during the night Bhima fainted , no one except Duryodhana was awake.  In the fright of what would happen if Bhima digested the poison he threw him into a near by river . as Bhima drowns in to the the river the serpent god Vasuki spotted Bhima and then found out he has consumed poison  . feeling pity he removed the poison and saved him Bhima replied "O Lord you have saved my life , I will never forget this ". after some time Vasuki sent him back home safe and sound . Bhima later in the morning told Arjuna everything but   later the problem was solved by Dharmaraj. j

The helpful cat

 Once upon a time ,there lived a poor farmer who had no children but only a cat. He would often cry saying "I am very poor ,I have no children how will I help my cat  which is my only hope now that makes me happy". Hearing these words,  the cat disappeared and made his way to the evil demon's  palace filled with beautiful gemstones such as Emerald , Topaz  ,Sapphire and diamond. The demon stole the gemstones from a rich king and killed him and hired servants to build a new palace  and made his palace . as soon as the cat saw him he said "you cruel demon why do you harm people" ?  " Now I will eat you like a meal in a lion form", replied the demon ,  but  the clever cat replied " I am not scared of lions , I am afraid of rabbits ". The foolish demon  turned himself  into  a rabbit to scare the cat. Instantly the cat pounced on the demon in the rabbit form and ate  him up by stuffing himself quickly. then he ordered the cook of the demon to pre

The cruel king

 Once upon a time there was a cruel king who ruled a big town. He was very greedy and would  often find weakness of people. One day a little boy named Jack asked for help to the king and said, "Dear king my parents are very ill and I am very poor. Could you be kind enough to give some money to buy some medicines for my parents". No, the king replied rudely. and asked him to leave. Jack was very sad and left the court. The next day when the king woke up he felt like something is hurting his chest. The very next day ,he could not move from his bed. Suddenly Jack appeared in the  room and said, I know this illness my king ,  a guard of yours   was very jealous of you  and wanted to harm you so he threw a rock from the garden  at your heart but since you left it after  he pierce you , at night he gave a big blow at your feet with a hard rock since you were sleeping you did not notice but I  saw everything. The angry king found out the guard and fired him from his job. The king fe