The helpful cat

 Once upon a time ,there lived a poor farmer who had no children but only a cat. He would often cry saying "I am very poor ,I have no children how will I help my cat  which is my only hope now that makes me happy". Hearing these words,  the cat disappeared and made his way to the evil demon's  palace filled with beautiful gemstones such as Emerald , Topaz  ,Sapphire and diamond. The demon stole the gemstones from a rich king and killed him and hired servants to build a new palace  and made his palace . as soon as the cat saw him he said "you cruel demon why do you harm people" ?  " Now I will eat you like a meal in a lion form", replied the demon ,  but  the clever cat replied " I am not scared of lions , I am afraid of rabbits ". The foolish demon  turned himself  into  a rabbit to scare the cat. Instantly the cat pounced on the demon in the rabbit form and ate  him up by stuffing himself quickly. then he ordered the cook of the demon to prepare a good feast for his master . The next day he asked the farmer  to come with him  and then showed the beautiful  palace , the cat explained him everything. from that day on , the poor farmer turned into a rich prince and gave  the cat special job of being his royal advisor. From that day on the king lead a peaceful and happy life.




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