Bhima drowned by Duryodhana (part of Mahabharata)

 The famous king Pandu had five children Dharmaraj  , Bhima , Arjuna , Nakul  , Sahadeva  , were once playing beside the river  Duryodhana applied poison on a special sweet in the kitchen of the palace and once everyone completed eating  Duryodhana gave the sweet to Bhima after some time during the night Bhima fainted , no one except Duryodhana was awake.  In the fright of what would happen if Bhima digested the poison he threw him into a near by river . as Bhima drowns in to the the river the serpent god Vasuki spotted Bhima and then found out he has consumed poison  . feeling pity he removed the poison and saved him Bhima replied "O Lord you have saved my life , I will never forget this ". after some time Vasuki sent him back home safe and sound . Bhima later in the morning told Arjuna everything but   later the problem was solved by Dharmaraj.



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