The cruel king

 Once upon a time there was a cruel king who ruled a big town. He was very greedy and would  often find weakness of people. One day a little boy named Jack asked for help to the king and said, "Dear king my parents are very ill and I am very poor. Could you be kind enough to give some money to buy some medicines for my parents". No, the king replied rudely. and asked him to leave. Jack was very sad and left the court. The next day when the king woke up he felt like something is hurting his chest. The very next day ,he could not move from his bed. Suddenly Jack appeared in the  room and said, I know this illness my king ,  a guard of yours   was very jealous of you  and wanted to harm you so he threw a rock from the garden  at your heart but since you left it after  he pierce you , at night he gave a big blow at your feet with a hard rock since you were sleeping you did not notice but I  saw everything. The angry king found out the guard and fired him from his job. The king felt ashamed for being cruel to other people. From that day on he was kind to other people and gave Jack some money to buy medicines for parents. Seeing the change in the king people liked him too.


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