the journey

  It was a busy Sunday morning . Leo , a  small adventurus boy was helping his dad in the garden when he found a piece of paper . It was a map that showed the location of a treasure with great abilities . He also found the name of one of his ancestors in the paper .  without wasting a minute he went to his workshop and did not come out for 2 days. After 2 days  he went up to his friends lol  and tolsoy and showed then his invention! He had just invented a radio- controlled super jet battery -powered . He and his friends went on the jet and started there look for the treasure . but  later  the  battery was out and they fell from the high sky and crashed to an island . Later they found  the island they are in  was the same island were the treasure was located . they were so happy and started looking for it  .They crossed the mountain peak , and when they reached the wrong guideway . A lady told them that  to go through the left , but the people in this area give a wrong guideway and thus they got themselves lost in a  different way . But Leo knows how to communicate  with animals so he found a way out and and found  the right direction by asking the tigers . They passed and passed . Finally they reached the exact location of the treasure "the terrible endway" but later a gorilla appeared  and attacked them . Tying to think quickly he wore a cloak that was hung on a tree to protect himself and attacked the gorilla  . But later he discovered that these cloaks provide power . The friends then continued there jouney and finally found a cyndrical box . He then rotated the top  part  and suddenly a new plane appeared . They rode the plane back home peacefully , hoping for another great  adventure


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