Facts about Nilgai

 1. Nilgai is an antelope and is the largest Antelope in  Asia

 2. Nilgais are found in  north India , Nepal and  Western Pakistan

 3. Nilgai is a Hindi word meaning blue cow

 4. A Nilgai drinks a lot of water and then can stay without drinking water for a long time

 5. A nilgai can jump around the  height of 2.5 mts

 6. The average span of a Nilgai  is 10 years

 7. About 10,000 Nilgais are found in India

 8. Nilgais are found in Bihar , Madhya Pradesh , Uttar Pradesh , Rajasthan and Haryana 

 9.  Nilgais are endangered species . some of the national parks for Nilgais are Gir nation park in Gujarat , Satpura national park  in Madhya Pradesh etc.


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