Ramayana ch -2 (part -5 )

 Welcome dear friends to another episode of the Ramayana . In the previous episode we learnt how  Meghnad injures Lakshmana and how Kalnemi was killed . After that Hanuman goes to a distance and saw many herbs . Hanuman thought  it would not be easy to find the  Sanjeevni herb when it is mixed with other herbs . So he decided to carry the entire mountain . Meanwhile Rama , Jambavan , Sugreeva , Angada and Vibishna were waiting for Hanuman 's arrival . Then on seeing Hanuman coming with a big mountain everone cheered Hanuman as he reached the spot . The doctor took the Sanjeevni herb from the mountains and cured Lakshmana . Everyone  then became happy . The next day war began Meghnad came flying on his magical chariot . To be at the same height Lakshmana sat on Hanuman 's shoulder when he took an  huge form . A fierce battle broke . Finally Lakshmana broke Meghnad 's magical chariot and Meghnad fell down but did not die . To not brake code of war Hanuman too got down from Hanuman 's shoulder and invoked Indrastra . He yelled " If my brother Rama , was a noble person who has never lied , then let this weapon destroy my enemy . The sky 's thundered and Lakshmana released the weapon which killed him instantly .


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