Ramayana part 2

 Welcome dear friends to another episode of the Ramayana . in the previous episode we learned about the terrible  curse given to Dasharatha. and how the four brothers were born. And now the rest of he story: The four brothers grew up to be a powerful and brave warriors . Rama the eldest of all and Lakshmana the second eldest of all  was one day sent by king  Dasharatha  to  go with sage Vishwamitra . At first the king was hesitated but after the pleading of sage Vishwamitra  he agreed . Rama and Lakshmana first reached the  Tanaka   forest . a demoness named Tanaka attacked the sages and the others . Rama and  Lakshmana attacked Tanaka  . Thus , Tanaka demoness was killed by Rama in the fight . After killing the demoness the great sage Vishwamitra  started the pooja .  Rama and Lakshmana guarded the pooja day and night. After seven days a terrible noise  came , it was  Marina and  Suba  the demon brothers attacked and disturbed the pooja  . First Rama threw  miles away into the sea and then  he  killed Suba.


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