Ramayana part -4

 Welcome dear friends to another episode of the Ramayana , In the previous episode we learnt how Rama got married to Sita and how Mantra poison  Kaikai's mind . In the dead of night  king  Dasharatha learnt That Kaikai had come to meet him when Kaikai entered the king's chamber , the king asked her for the purpose of the visit  , Kaikai replied " You  have promised me two boons in a battle wen I saved you .  "my first wish is that Bharata should be the king and not Rama "second Rama should be exiled to the forest for fourteen years" . Shocked by these wishes king Dasharatha was about to refuse but then remembered his promise and had no choice but to send Rama on an exile. Later  Kaikai went to Rama and told him about her wishes and that king Dasharatha agreed to the wishes . Rama gently replied " wheather it is me or Bharata  it is  all the same , you can happily crown Bharata as the king of Ayodhya .   I  shall take my leave to the forest soon" . But when the others heard of this they were not happy at all  Lakshmana replied in anger " You are not going anywhere brother , let me see who will take you out of this palace ". But Rama was ready to obey his stepmother's orders he indeed want to go to the forest ,  But Lakshmana told that he too want to accompany Rama . Rama went with Sita and Lakshmana to the forest But when Rama's mother Kausalya  asked to come with him , Rama asked his mother to take care of his father instead . Lakshmana also asked his wife Urmila to stay in the palace with  the others  and then the three began there journey to the forest. 


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