The magical golden apple

  Once there was a king who had a magical golden tree which produced 15 apples per day . These apples were magical whoever would eat them , they would be cured from diseases . Many people in his kingdom were sick but he never gave even one apple to a sick family he was greedy and refused to give them . One day the astrologer came to predict is future . His son was very sick and only the precious gold apples could save him. The astrologer begged for the apples but the king refused then he took out his book to predict his future . it said "O king , one day a clever man will enter the palace tonight night dressed a thief and will rob one gold apple to help the sick , as soon as his job was done , you will be his friend and  understand your mistake ". That night the king asked his guards  to guard the tree  , but as the thief entered the palace garden , he saw the guards guarding the tree. to defeat them , he just hit the guards took the apple and vanished , but the king himself was not well and the kind hearted and clever man gave the apple to the king  The king then understood  his mistake and promised to help people in need . He even made the man  his royal advisor and made sure the kingdom was healthy and protected.


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