
Showing posts from June, 2024

Good deeds always repay you part 1

 Once there was a little girl named Jasmine . her mother died at jasmine's  age of  12. So her father married a woman with a daughter . but she hated Jasmine . At the age of sixteen she was kicked out of the house and was asked to go get her own job so she went  to go search the tower of the kind fairy and get a job there . She found a map that led there and followed it  . Then she first met a wet talking cloth  asked her for help to make it   dry. She agreed and put the cloth in her bag and told it that she will take it to a drier place to keep it . Then she came across a flower . It was dried . The flower asked  " oh girl , help me  , I  am dry ." Jasmine said  " I will surely help you . " she then took a the talking cloth from her bag and squeezed the cloth and poured  half the water to the flower .  the flower thanked Jasmine  and she continued her journey . By this time she found a little sunny area and kept the cloth there . The cloth thanked the girl and