
Showing posts from April, 2024

Ethical hacking

hacking is the' process of braking into a system illegally '  and it is a  wrong process . But however  there are some types of hacking that   are legal  . these hackings are meant for protecting  the device against cyber threats . This is called 'ethical hacking' .  A hacker  who does ethical hacking is called ' an ethical hacker or a white-hat hacker ' . Those who hack the the system  illegally are called " malinois hackers or black- hat hackers . Successful companies or large companies employ white- hat  hackers to protect the details of the company. An ethical hacker uses the same techniques a malinois hacker uses , but in such a way that they not  do not break the system in the process 

curse of the gatekeepers

 J aya and Vijaya were the two gatekeepers of  Lord Vishnu they were extremely devoted to him and  always followed his instructions. soon they began to have pride ` and became very arrogant to people. One day , the Sanant Kumaras   went to Vaikuntha to visit Lord Vishnu . That time Jaya and Vijaya refused to let them in . This Angered the Kumaras. They cursed them to be born as human beings.  Jaya and Vijaya fell at their feet  and begged mercy from them. The Kumaras told that it now up to Lord Vishnu to help them . So the two of them went to Vishnu . Vishnu  told them that the curse cannot be removed . He gave them two options . Either they can be born 6 times as his devotees or be born 3 times as his enemies . Jaya and Vijaya could not bear being away from their lord for 6 lives, So they agreed to be born 3 times as his enemies . Vishnu agreed and sent them down to earth. Jaya incarnated as  Hiranyakashyapu, Ravana, and Shisuplala who were killed by Lord Vishnu 's  Narsimha , Ra