
Showing posts from December, 2023

Ramayana ch-2 (part -6)

Welcome dear friends to another episode of the Ramayana . In the previous episode we learnt how Meghnad was killed . The monkey army rejoiced in happiness to  see the death of the terrible meghnad . Later after this incident Ravana did not have anyone left with him. He then decided to go to the battlefiels by himself against Rama . he moved on his bat charot and fought in the battlefield with Rama . Hanuman and Lakshmana came to help him. When Lakshmana tried to hit Ravana with his arrows Ravana took the spear he once got from mayasura(the architect of demons) and hit Lakshmana with it . Lakshmana fell unconcious Angry Hanuman rushed to the Ravana and slapped him . Ravana fell into the ground unconsious.  Later after some time, Lakshmana got up and began to fight with the rest of the demon  army . When ravana woke up, a duel engaged  between Rama and Ravana . Finally Rama chopped of Ravana 's head from his body. but every time he cut of a head  another head of Ravana appears . Rama