
story of shisupala

  Shishupala was the son who was the brother of a Yadava king, who was the brother of Vasudeva, Kunti and Nanda. Though Shishupala was a demon, he was related to  Krishna as his cousin . Shishupala  was born with 4 hands and 3 eyes, a voice announced saying “Oh king and queen do not fear . When this child is placed on someone ‘s lap, his extra eyes and arms would disappear. That one would be his slayer ”. The king put his son  on the laps of different kings and sages but his extra eyes and arms did not disappear . Finally when Krishna came to the palace . The queen put the child on Krishna ‘ s  lap   and then the eyes and arms of the child disappeared  . The queen got scared and begged Krishna for a boon that he would spare his child for 10 0 mistakes in his whole life time . Krishna agreed and granted her the wish. Shishupala  became a cruel demon and did many things that are against dharma and Krishna . His end came at the Rajasuya yajna. When Yudhistara chos

effects of fast food

  O nce upon a time, there were 2 friends Ram and Max . Max love d eating fast food. One day Max was eating a burger and a Pizza.     Ram : Max can I tell you a story?   Max : yes, but what is it about   Ram : it is about the effects of fast food     Max did not understand . But he agreed hoping that he would understand . Once their was a grandma, grandpa and their dog named scout. The grandma ate healthy foods and was strong, But the grandpa ate fast food almost everyday . And that too at rest at rest aurants . When he returned he would have some leftovers and bring it to scout . Soon the Grandpa became obiese and the dog became sick . One night ,the Grandpa scre a med in pain very loudly that it reached the Grandma in the next room. She rushed into th e into the other room and saw her husband in pain. She gave lots of medicines but nothing worked. He could not even eat anything . Both of them went to the doctor for treatment . The doctor told th

Ethical hacking

hacking is the' process of braking into a system illegally '  and it is a  wrong process . But however  there are some types of hacking that   are legal  . these hackings are meant for protecting  the device against cyber threats . This is called 'ethical hacking' .  A hacker  who does ethical hacking is called ' an ethical hacker or a white-hat hacker ' . Those who hack the the system  illegally are called " malinois hackers or black- hat hackers . Successful companies or large companies employ white- hat  hackers to protect the details of the company. An ethical hacker uses the same techniques a malinois hacker uses , but in such a way that they not  do not break the system in the process 

curse of the gatekeepers

 J aya and Vijaya were the two gatekeepers of  Lord Vishnu they were extremely devoted to him and  always followed his instructions. soon they began to have pride ` and became very arrogant to people. One day , the Sanant Kumaras   went to Vaikuntha to visit Lord Vishnu . That time Jaya and Vijaya refused to let them in . This Angered the Kumaras. They cursed them to be born as human beings.  Jaya and Vijaya fell at their feet  and begged mercy from them. The Kumaras told that it now up to Lord Vishnu to help them . So the two of them went to Vishnu . Vishnu  told them that the curse cannot be removed . He gave them two options . Either they can be born 6 times as his devotees or be born 3 times as his enemies . Jaya and Vijaya could not bear being away from their lord for 6 lives, So they agreed to be born 3 times as his enemies . Vishnu agreed and sent them down to earth. Jaya incarnated as  Hiranyakashyapu, Ravana, and Shisuplala who were killed by Lord Vishnu 's  Narsimha , Ra

the three divine avatars of gods

 Once upon a time , there was a sage named Atri who lived with his wife Anusya , she was a dutiful woman. she used to do her dutieson time. her loyality was so pure that three goddesses  Lakshmi, Saraswati and  Parvati were jealous of Anusya , they decided to ask their husbands to perform a task .  the task was to break the loyality of  Anusya . So , the three divine gods bramha, vishnu and shiva disguised as monks and asked Anusya to give them donations . When anusya gave them food . the sages asked anusya to feed them . Anusya was shocked . She knew that she could not ove away from her duties as well not ignore these  monks. She  meditated for some time and realized these were the devas in disguise . so she had an idea . She sprinkled som holy water on them and cursed them to transform into babies and then began to feed them . Soon the goddesses came to know of this through sage Narada  and then rushed to Anusya  begging to revive their husbands. Anusya then used her magic powers to

Facts about Nilgai

 1. Nilgai is an antelope and is the largest Antelope in  Asia  2. Nilgais are found in  north India , Nepal and  Western Pakistan  3. Nilgai is a Hindi word meaning blue cow  4. A Nilgai drinks a lot of water and then can stay without drinking water for a long time  5. A nilgai can jump around the  height of 2.5 mts  6. The average span of a Nilgai  is 10 years  7. About 10,000 Nilgais are found in India  8. Nilgais are found in Bihar , Madhya Pradesh , Uttar Pradesh , Rajasthan and Haryana   9.  Nilgais are endangered species . some of the national parks for Nilgais are Gir nation park in Gujarat , Satpura national park  in Madhya Pradesh etc.

Ramayana ch-2 (part -6)

Welcome dear friends to another episode of the Ramayana . In the previous episode we learnt how Meghnad was killed . The monkey army rejoiced in happiness to  see the death of the terrible meghnad . Later after this incident Ravana did not have anyone left with him. He then decided to go to the battlefiels by himself against Rama . he moved on his bat charot and fought in the battlefield with Rama . Hanuman and Lakshmana came to help him. When Lakshmana tried to hit Ravana with his arrows Ravana took the spear he once got from mayasura(the architect of demons) and hit Lakshmana with it . Lakshmana fell unconcious Angry Hanuman rushed to the Ravana and slapped him . Ravana fell into the ground unconsious.  Later after some time, Lakshmana got up and began to fight with the rest of the demon  army . When ravana woke up, a duel engaged  between Rama and Ravana . Finally Rama chopped of Ravana 's head from his body. but every time he cut of a head  another head of Ravana appears . Rama